What is a commissioner of oaths?
A commissioner of oaths (also known as a commissioner for taking affidavits) can administer affidavits and witness the signature of court documents, affidavits, and many government applications. You will be asked to swear an oath and then sign the document in the presence of the commissioner. Eric Vallillee is a London Ontario commissioner for taking affidavits who provides service on weekdays and during weekends and evenings as needed, when available. Please do not sign the document prior to your appointment, and remember to bring photo ID with you.
What is a Notary Public?
In Ontario, a notary public can certify true copies of documents and ID, and verify that signatures and documents are genuine. You can either make your own copies to be certified, or I can make the copies for you at no extra charge. The notary places their embossed seal and attaches a certificate to your document to verify its authenticity. Eric Vallillee is a notary public in London, Ontario and provides service on weekends and evenings if necessary, and makes the process quick and simple.
What if I also need help filing my documents in Court?
We are pleased to be partnered with one of London’s premiere court filing services: Forest City Filing. If you need assistance with filing your court documents, or don’t want to take a day off work to do the filing yourself, let our London Ontario notary and commissioner know this at your appointment, and we will arrange for Forest City Filing to file your documents on your behalf. This service only costs an additional $30 and is available for Family Court, Civil Court, and Small Claims filings at the central London, Ontario Courthouse.
While as of May, 2019 our office no longer provides notary or commissioner of oaths services to the general public, Forest City Filing may be able to help, so get in touch with them today if you need something commissioned, served or filed and you do not have a lawyer.